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Out now: 2025 magazine by @kunstmuseumbonn - Looking forward to a great program of exhibitions.
New booklet for the second half of the running season - swipe for details. We can’t get enough of this!
Cheers to 2025! New label design for @salicutti Brunello die Montalcino with silver embossing and wax sealing.
The wayfinding system we designed for @kunstmuseumbonn brings their visual identity into the museums space. As their flexible logo drafted inspiration from the complex architecture the installation of the signage was a full circle moment and completed the rebranding process in a beautiful way.
Herburg Weiland Newsletter 13 – get it now and read about some of the latest projects and people we’ve been working with.
Visual identity we designed for the project @butter.vieh.vernichtung – National Socialism and Agriculture in the Allgäu. The project and the upcoming exhibition make the Nazi reign of injustice in rural Allgäu visible and combines historical knowledge with responsibility for a democratic future.
Out now: All new BURG Magazine we designed for @burgtheater – featuring big photographs and short reviews of their latest stage plays.
Some of the latest program booklets and folders for @staatsoperberlin – swipe for some selected spreads and check our latest posts for more insights on the whole visual identity. Cover artwork is from the series “I See a Face. Do you See a Face.” by artist Flaka Haliti.
Brandnew LP and Singles we designed for Monostars
Out now: Baumeister B11 curated by Caruso St. John Architects. The cover shows a stack of all publications quoted in the magazine.
New identity and website we crafted for orthopedist Belinda Bach. The bold typographic system spreads flexible across all formats. We always like working on smaller projects with individuals where our work is having a direct impact.
Poster and Folder for Bonner Kunstpreis exhibited @kunstmuseumbonn
Season booklet for Schauspiel Köln – Swipe for our favorite spreads and a glimpse of the new website. This one was printed using four neon spot colors.
New look – new program folders and service booklets for
Forever and ever and ever… A bold new look for the current season 2024/25 – keep your eyes open and spot the posters all around cologne.
Congratulations @s_eichb for receiving the best restaurateur award by @lesgrandestablesdumonde Swipe for some impressions of the menus we designed for @tantris_maison_culinaire. Custom typeface by @tightype
Engraved water bottles for this years harvest collection @salicutti – check our latest posts for some more details.
Out now: Baumeister B10 on architecture of work environments. Swipe for some of our favorite spreads.
This is us. We are Herburg Weiland. Long overdue up to date photos of our team. Big shout out to @fritz.beck for putting us in scene.
Salicutti Vendemmia 2024 with a new edition of our annual harvest collection. @salicutti
Newsletter No.12 featuring some deeper insights on a selection of our latest products and collaborations. Swipe for a sneak peak.
New season booklet for @staatstheater.wiesbaden – swipe to explore the inside. Font in use: “Burns” by @nolan_paparelli and @albertomalossi
We thought and designed a whole new visual identity for @staatstheater.wiesbaden – the design follows a simple but strict typographic system spanning across all types of media bringing some order into the great variation and disciplines the house has to offer.
Triology of season booklets we designed for @staatsoperberlin Check our previous post for more insights on the new visual identity and opening campaign.
New season, new director, new look. Hello new @staatsoperberlin and welcome director Elisabeth Sobotka and general music director Christian Thielemann. Swipe to explore the new design and visuals. This season featuring artworks by @flakahaliti_
New book we designed for @svenmichaelsen published by @residenzverlag
Oversized tear-off block for the upcoming exhibition “Objektiv Wabe” by Peter Haimerl and Andreas Hild at Bayerische Akademie der schönen Künste. Using “Stabil Grotesk” by
“Objektiv Wabe” an exhibition by Peter Haimerl and Andreas Hild at Bayerische Akademie der schönen Künste.
New artistic director – new look – new season booklet. More of the bespoke identity we created for @burgtheater – swipe for some of our favorite spreads from the new season booklet.
The @burgtheater in Vienna, Europe’s most traditional theater, starts the first season with its new artistic director Stefan Bachmann and a brand new visuality developed by @herburg_weiland The BURG has no “impenetrable walls”, Bachmann says, but is something open, permeable, consisting of different locations and different building blocks – the five venues, ensemble, communities and the audience. The stage as a multifaceted place also inspires the new corporate design. The stage, a symbolic form, is simultaneously a space, entrance, button, building block or stage. As a digital and analog portal, it is constantly changing and invites you to enter the castle, experience it, help shape it and allow it to transform you.
New summer campaign for @landesmuseumdarmstadt is up.
Celebrating the end of an era, celebrating 11 years of Stefan Bachmann as a director of – for this occasion we designed and developed an extensive online archive featuring all highlights and happenings from the past eleven years.
Small but playful website we developed for @corna_feinkost